
Brave. It is a word that has been used quite a few times now from readers of my book, to describe the writing of my personal narrative to draw upon work and life experiences whilst illustrating the thrust of my argument.  In truth, ‘brave’ isn’t a word I would describe myself as, neither do I…

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A Postgraduate Experience

A Part Timer’s Story When I began the ‘Design Futures’ Masters course in September 2015, 18 years after graduating with the same title in my undergraduate studies, I had introduced myself with a big bang; sporting a mass of flaming red hair, ranting about the state of the world and how inhumane we’ve become in…

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The Myths of Growing Up

Here I find myself again, twenty six years later at an old high school haunt, The Church Inn, catching up with old school chums and reminiscing of times long past. Forty four years of age and older and wiser as the wear of life’s unexpected events turned to us all, we had mostly seen each…

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Careless Words

Careless Words A rancid jolt hits thy tongue, It’s bitter taste left savouring, As thou curs’ed words attack the air, It’s purity plundered into weighty smog, Without a care to thy precious flowers, Wilting as thou toxic wrangles Smother it’s divine innocence. Oh, how thy flowers weep, As they hang their heads in sorrow, Shrinking…

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19th Century Slums – The Uncomfortable Parallels

BBC’s Victorian Slums I’ve recently finished watching BBC’s Victorian Slums, a 5-part ‘reality’ show where a group of 21st-century Brits move into a Victorian Work House, painstakingly brought back to life in the heart of London’s East End. The Work House was a place for those with little prospect of a living wage, or a sickness…

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I have been reading Darian Leader’s latest book, ‘Hands – what we do with them and why’. Psychoanalyst Leader reflects on the hand and how we have always kept them busy. He argues that our hands, through sensory touch and exploration, have helped evolve and shape the world around us. Looking at the history of…

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Calmer times

My Masters has been on much calmer ground, having discovered Tony Fry. Hallelujah, a design theorist and philosopher, voicing similar issues and searching for solutions. He has brought clarity and vigour into my research. As a person who considered themselves fairly intelligent, I realise how little I know and how much more I need to know. More…

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Alienation, Artist  Naikos N It has been a heavy few days, which have felt like weeks. I’ve been in the deep throes of Tony Fry’s Design as Politics and have a clearer understanding of the mechanics of what is essentially a defuturing Capitalist Democracy we live in, one dominated by consumer demands as “… the…

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Kids and iPads

So I have not long come back from a meeting with my daughter’s teachers. She has not been happy and has had problems on-and-off with one girl in particular; a troubled girl who has been projecting her own unhappiness onto Cady. A recent spout in school had continued on iMessage as soon as the girls…

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